UEB Too - A Supplement to the Braille Too Curriculum is designed to teach the changes from the previous code (English Braille, American Edition) to the Unified English Braille code that was implemented in the U.S. in January, 2016. It can be used either as a stand-alone with secondary students who are already competent in EBAE and just need to learn the changes in UEB or in conjunction with the 1994 Braille Too program for secondary students who are currently learning braille using that program. (For information about the revised UEB version of the full Braille Too curriculum, Click here.) It allows an individual teacher to print/emboss the copies they need for themselves and their own students, and includes MSWord files for the print teacher's edition, a list of where in Braille Too the pages should be inserted, and large print student writing exercises, as well as both DBT and BRF files for the student braille reading exercises that can either be embossed using Duxbury or used with a refreshable braille device.
Also available--DBT and BRF files for teachers. Please indicate when ordering if you need the teacher's edition in the braille formats added to your files (at no additional charge).
NOTE: USB drives are no longer available. Digital files will be e-mailed to purchasers. The price per digital copy is $25. As of 3/1/25, POs are not being accepted in payment.